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Edge Training Program

Get an edge on your competition

The PSM Performance Edge program is a high-intensity, personalized performance training program built to help athletes reach the next level in their sport. It’s a way for you to take a step up in your training and gain an edge on your competition.

Training will focus on the speed, agility, flexibility and power needed to play your sport at the next level. Sport-specific skill training is essential, but so is athletic development. The better athlete you become, the more you can maximize your skills.

The details:

  • $750/year
  • Annual training program with flexible schedules
  • Training locations at the SportONE/Parkview Fieldhouse or Empowered Sports Club
  • For athletes 12 and older

Tyler training

The Edge program starts with a conversation: a one-on-one discussion with our performance specialists where we can discuss your schedule, your long-term goals and how we can help you reach them. Our specialists will put you through a performance assessment, injury risk assessment, then sit down with you to personally create an annual training plan.

Sign up for your free consultation

Why choose the Edge program?

  • Individual attention: the Edge program is built around you, beginning with our one-on-one assessment. To create an effective training program, we need to understand your goals, sport-specific needs and schedule.
  • Flexible training: an annual Edge membership doesn't mean you're training in our facility year-round - it means that we'll adapt to fit your schedule. In the offseason, you may be working out with us to make gains when others aren't, while in-season we may be consulting with you on nutrition or providing dynamic stretching workouts online to help you recover and stay healthy.
  • Advanced training: With smaller class sizes, our staff is able to work closer with each athlete. Training alongside other committed athletes ramps up the intensity and fosters an environment for growth. If you train with us during your club season, we'll be able to modify those workouts for you as well so that you can get more out of the club sessions.
  • Staff expertise: our staff has trained over 100 college-bound athletes in the last two years alone. Coupled with the consistent testing and measuring of progress, plus access to national and local athletic testing data, we're able to give you the tools to succeed.
  • Nutrition: Proper nutrition can be a differentiator when it comes to reaching the peak of athleticism, and it's something that sets our program apart from the others. Our registered sports dietitian will consult with you to help you learn how to fuel yourself for peak performance. You'll also have access to DEXA body composition scans that can identify areas of strength and weakness, and help tailor training to address them.