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A refresher course

Last Modified: September 13, 2015

Safety & Prevention, Women & Children

Today is National Grandparents Day ­­– an occasion to celebrate the men and women who brought us into the world, as well as their very special presence in our children’s lives.

Since Grandparents Day just happens to fall within Baby Safety Month, we couldn’t resist using this opportunity to share a unique experience for those awaiting a special delivery: Parkview Health’s Grandparents Class.

Welcoming the next generation into the family means all hands on deck. This course ensures that those hands are helping hands, no matter how long its been since they changed a diaper or warmed a bottle.

The class is, “aimed at bringing grandparents up to the 21st century,” Birth Planner and Family Birthing Center Manager Angela Russ said. “They focus on topics like, car seat safety, feeding (In the 70s and 80s formula feeding was big. Now, we know breast milk is better), infant CPR and choking.”

After all, a lot has changed. A refresher course could be just what the doctor ordered …

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Happy Grandparents Day! 

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