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Slow down and savor for success

Last Modified: August 20, 2020

Nutrition & Recipes

Weight loss

This post was written by Vikki Ratcliff, MSW, LCSW, licensed clinical therapist, PPG – Weight Management & Bariatric Surgery.

In today’s society, we are often rushing through our day. This leaves little time and attention for things like eating. When hunger strikes, it’s easier to open a package, order takeout or pull through a drive-thru than it is to actually take time to prepare a meal. Being aware of the mind-body connection when hunger sets in can help you understand the reason for your hunger and your eventual fullness. By slowing down as you eat and paying attention to what you are tasting, the different textures you experience and the sensation of eating, you will be more in sync with how your body responds, which will help you to eat just the right amount and types of food that you need at that time.  

Understanding the basics

In her book, “The Mindfulness-Based Eating Solution”, Lynn Rossy expertly outlines the BASICS of mindful eating as:

B – Breathe and check your belly for hunger and satiety before you eat
A – Assess your food
S – Slow down
I – Investigate your hunger throughout the meal, particularly halfway through
C – Chew your food thoroughly
S – Savor your food

Create a healthy relationship with food

Mindful eating is not about losing weight, but rather it’s about changing your relationship with your body and with food*. When you become more connected with your eating experience, you will feel more satisfied regardless of what or how much you are eating. Mindful eating can make food more enjoyable, mealtimes more satisfying and improve health outcomes overall.





*Tsui, V. (2018). The Mindful Eating Workbook. Althea Press

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