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Want to lose weight in the new year?

Last Modified: January 04, 2024

Family Medicine, Healthy Mind


Traditionally, weight loss or getting in shape are the second most popular resolutions, typically topped only by the resolve to save money. If you’re looking to move the numbers on the scale in 2021, do it the healthy way. We took some of your most common questions to the team at PPG – Weight Management & Bariatric Surgery for some educated guidance for success in the new year.

Do 30-day challenges or cleanses work?

They can work temporarily, but the results won’t last long. To have healthy weight maintenance or to work toward weight loss, you essentially have to have a consistent healthy diet and work on portion control. It does not mean that you have to restrict certain foods or eliminate anything from your diet. Often, excessive restriction can lead to binge eating. Changing habits is the only way to have successful weight loss long-term. Quick fixes often lead to weight gain (plus some) once the challenge or cleanse is over. 

When setting a goal, what should one focus on?

It’s important to set S.M.A.R.T. goals, meaning you should make them specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Something that you know is attainable daily and/or weekly. It’s important to realize that weight gain does not happen overnight and weight loss won’t either. You will have to have patience and consistency. Movement, how your clothes are fitting and your measurements can all be very helpful areas of focus. Often, we get so obsessed with the number on the scale and weigh ourselves too often. Then, because we don’t see the number decrease as fast as we would like, we give up. If you want to weigh yourself, avoid doing so more than once a week.

It’s OK to have a big, long-term goal, but it’s important to have realistic daily goals to help you meet the big goal. These are changes you can make to improve your health and/or help with weight loss. Some examples include:

  • drinking 64 ounces of water every day
  • walking an extra 10-20 minutes every day
  • keeping a daily food log to help become more aware of intake

Set daily goals that you know you will be able to meet. Start small and build on your goals as you continue to meet them daily.

How can someone stay accountable to their goals over time?

Having someone you will be accountable to is very helpful. The support can be motivating. If you know you will be discussing the goals you are meeting or not meeting with someone else, it will help you to stay on track.

You also have to realize that you will not be perfect. You will make mistakes with your eating or not want to exercise. It happens. You just need to remember to get back on track the next day or the next meal. Don’t let one choice or one day take you back to where you started. Pick yourself up and keep going.

How can one set up their routine or environment for success?

Preparing ahead is key. Make a grocery list. Write down your workouts and what you are going to do ahead of time. If you have a plan, it is much easier to stay on track. The same is true with food. Plan out your menu and keep a food log so you can be aware of what you’re consuming. Try not to have a lot of “junk” food around your house. If you keep those processed items that take you off track out of sight, you remove the temptation.

If the scale doesn’t move like one wants, how can they stay motivated?

Pay attention to how you feel. You will most likely have more energy and sleep better if you are making healthier food choices and moving more. Think of why you started. If you continue to work on your goals, your clothes will start fitting better and you will notice your measurements decreasing.

What is the key to not abandoning the resolution?

Write down your health goals every day. When you do this, soon these goals will become healthy habits. Don’t start off at the beginning of the year setting goals that are too big for your daily life or try to change everything at once. Take your time and realize that healthy lifestyle changes don’t happen overnight. They are the product of repetition and patience. Stick with it. Be kind to yourself.

To learn more about the resources available to you at PPG - Weight Management & Bariatric Surgery, including free seminars, call 260-425-6390 or fill out this form and one of our care team members will contact you with more information.

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