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Finding help in the midst of tragedy

Last Modified: May 25, 2018

Healthy Mind

With the onslaught of violence and heartbreaking loss in our communities and country recently, many might be experiencing feelings of sadness, anxiety and anger. Even when we don’t have a personal connection to the victims, our sympathetic tendencies can leave us reeling. These emotional reactions are a natural result of the somber events we’ve seen play out far too often over the past several months.

We encourage people to connect with friends, family and community resources to explore ways to cope with these emotions.  It’s important to know that there are specialists who can provide support, guidance and a sympathetic ear, whenever you feel like you need them.

Parkview Behavioral Health HelpLine

Call the HelpLine at (260) 373-7500 or (800) 284-8439, anytime 24 hours a day. Experienced specialists are available to guide you to the appropriate level of care – or resources – for your situation.

LookUp Indiana

This organization provides resources and access to confidential online chatting 24/7.

More reading.

These articles from the Parkview Dashboard offer some solace as well as strategies for coping with the valleys we face in life.

Finding peace in times of grief

Taming “monkey mind” through journaling and mindfulness

Powerful pages

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