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Looking for a hobby? Start a garden this spring

Last Modified: March 28, 2024



This post was written by Kristen Canan-Smith, greenhouse farmer, Parkview Community Greenhouse & Learning Kitchen.

Humans have practiced growing food for thousands of years and the ability to do so has greatly shaped the trajectory of our species. Up until recently, most households raised a garden as the seasons permitted and passed down knowledge about planting and harvesting. Older generations shared tips on how to grow the juiciest tomatoes and tricks for keeping slugs from eating squash. Today, gardening has lost some of its popularity, but there are so many reasons I’d encourage you to plant some things you love this spring.

An argument in support of gardening

The decline in gardening isn’t due to a lack of benefits. Growing your food can fulfill the very human desire to care for a living thing, and in turn, nourish the bellies of ourselves and our loved ones. There is something innately satisfying about having grown the very food that you’re preparing and eating. Not to mention the bonus of knowing exactly how the food was raised. 

Planting, caring for and harvesting your own food not only nourishes the body and spirit, it also centers the mind. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote so eloquently, “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” Patience is key when overseeing a garden and gives the mind a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of modern living.

Additionally, growing your food encourages human connection, in the form of asking questions and sharing knowledge, experiences and (the best part) the fruits of your labor. It also connects us to the earth and provides an outlet for expressing gratitude.

Getting started

Growing your food doesn’t need to be overly complicated. If you aren’t sure how to get started, choose one or two of your favorite fruits or vegetables and plant those. A little research online or consulting with a seasoned gardener can go a long way. One great thing about gardening is that there is always something new to learn, no matter how experienced you are.

Starting small can deliver bountiful benefits. Container gardening is a straightforward and inexpensive way to grow food without a big commitment. There are plenty of seeds out there that grow great in containers. (It’s also a great way to get the kids involved.)

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