Provider Nomination

Provider nomination disclaimer

Parkview Signature Care is interested in providing our members with the best healthcare available within Indiana and northwestern Ohio. If you would like to nominate a provider who is not currently participating in the Signature Care network, please submit the Provider Nomination Form.

Before proceeding with the Provider Nomination Form, please read the following:

  • Be sure to check the Provider Directory and/or call the healthcare professional to verify the provider is not currently participating, before proceeding further with the Provider Nomination Form.
  • Submitting a Provider Nomination Form does not guarantee the participation of the nominated healthcare professional in the Signature Care network. There may be adequate coverage in the geographic area in which they practice. Therefore, their specialty may be closed and exceptions are non-negotiable.
  • Please be aware, the process can take several months to complete before a participating provider appears in the Provider Directory.

Signature Care is committed to providing the best healthcare professionals for our members. By nominating a provider you trust, it works to expand our Signature of Quality Care.

Fill out the Provider Nomination Form