What to Expect

The first appointment with the Parkview Employee Assistance Program allows you and a counselor to get to know one another and formulate a plan of action. This meeting is usually structured, as it involves the completion of initial paperwork, outlining your concerns, relevant history and goals. In some cases, the client and the counselor may agree to facilitate a referral to a community agency.

How to get the most out of your counseling experience:

  • Define your goals. Think about what you would like to get out of counseling. Self-exploration and change are hard work and can often stir up painful feelings. This is a normal part of the healing process, and we will help you through it.
  • Be an active participant. Use your time wisely. Be honest with the counselor and give feedback.
  • Be patient with yourself. Growth takes time and effort. Your coping strategies, habits and self-perceptions have formed over a long period of time.
  • Follow your counselor's recommendations. Take the time between the sessions to try the suggestions made by your counselor to improve your life. If you are unable to complete an exercise, be honest and explore the reasons behind it.
  • Ask questions. Your counselor is part of your team and is here to help.

Types of counseling