Mobile Simulations
The Parkview Advanced Mobile Medical Simulation Lab is a fully functional ambulance fitted with medical simulation technology. This vehicle, donated by the Wabash Fire Department, features high-fidelity manikins that display a range of bodily functions, including several pulse points, tears, nasal discharge, sweating, blinking, a blue light that indicates low oxygen and a chest that rises and falls to indicate respirations.
The vehicle also accompanies a dedicated team of technicians, all with hands-on experience in the medical field, who develop and facilitate training scenarios using evidence-based research.
Our advanced technologies and medical simulation technicians enable us to simulate realistic cardiac events, amputation, crush injuries, maternal/fetal issues, airways, medical rescues and more.
With advanced mobile medical simulation capabilities, healthcare providers and first responders in the region can develop and expand their skills in an interactive, safe learning environment.
Sim Lab Services
Learn about the state-of-the-art technology fueling the Mirro Center Simulation Lab.
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Request a Simulation
Experience our Sim Lab in an innovation, education and hands-on environment.
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